
Knut again

The Berliners are moved by the sudden death of Knut's foster father, Thomas Dörflein. (Of course there is a Wikipedia entry on him, with pictures even!). Knut - a polar bear born in the Berlin Zoo - was born in late 2006, and since his mother abandonded him, one of the bearkeepers decided to raise him.

Germany ignited with a love for Knut, streamed to the zoo to see him and buy all the merchandise that was springing up. But that's another story.

There was a movie made, and people quite liked the quiet man who raised Knut. He was found dead at his home of a heart attack at age 44, and the Berliners are in sorrow. They bring flowers, forced the zoo to set up a condolece book, and stream to the zoo to see how the bear is taking it. Of course, no one speaks bear, so they have to try and interpret his expressions.

It is sad that Dörflein has passed away, but many people are sorrowing as if an old friend has passed away. I suppose this is a result of the media blitz that surronded Knut. I suppose it keeps our minds off that spot of money trouble in the States...

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