I am pissed at both Firefox and Thunderbird today.
Not only did they interfere with teaching the other day: please, pretty please, download this pressing security update, they seem to say. My Mac goes into slow motion when updates need to be installed.
I gave in to Thunderbird a few days ago and restarted it - and OpenPGP disappeared. Not compatible with the current version. Fume.
Then Firefox updated - and my delicious posting plugin got itself disabled. Delicious is my memory extension - now I saw this site the other day..... I can't remember how, but if I tagged it on delicious, I can find it again. So anytime I say: nice page, I quickly do a right-mouse-key, select delicious, type in a tag or three and save. Painless. Extremely useful. And now disabled.
And with Adobe wanting me to download an update for one of the gazillion things in Creative Suite ever other day and iWork wanting me to shell out for a new version and iTunes really, really needing another update to disable something interesting I used to be able to do and Mac itself always needing updates that will restart the system: Darn it, leave me alone! I want to work. Leave all my applications open where they were when I got interrupted. And continue where I left off without having to update, close, store, restart, and now: where was I? I end up played a few rounds of word games in Facebook to combat the frustration, and it is midnight again......
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