Yes, folks, that's right. The German police have sifted through 22 million credit card payments in order to discover 322 suspicious transactions that might be child-porn subscribers. Do the math. The "success rate" for this was that less than two thousandths of one percent of the transactions investigated were pulled.
I am outraged by this - and by the press happily writing about the "porn ring" being broken. This is a violation of our data privacy rights! The police are only allowed to do searches like this if they have a specific and very narrow search they want to do.
This is just like the "Rasterfahndung" the police tried to do during Germany's "terrorist-fighting days" back in the 70s. Yes, we survived that, just barely. Only the German Wikipedia has a link on the Rasterfahndung, gonna have to translate this.
Back then the police felt that people who paid electric bills for people of a different name, and paid cash to boot, were suspicious of aiding and abetting "terrorists". That this sort of makes everyone potentially guilty and trounces on the right of informational self-determination is beside the point for the police. They want this information, the data bases are ready, "if you are not guilty you have nothing to fear" - so they take it.
Why are people not screaming? Don't they understand how horrible this is? You suddenly have to prove your innocence if they accuse you of being a "terrorist"? This scares me silly.
Probably because I paid the electric bills for the group of people I lived with. In cash, after collecting from everyone. And the person who signed for the electricity had long ago moved on......
.00146 percent
I'm back!!
sorry, my gently friend, I was "otherwise occupied" lately and just today am back in the mood to play catch-up online (a little, at least)... and decided to take a look-see as to what's been happening in your life since the beginning of the new year (that's where I had left off trying catch up with you last session).
regarding the ".00146 percent" you wrote :
> I am outraged by this - and by the press happily writing about the "porn ring" being broken.
> This is a violation of our data privacy rights!
> The police are only allowed to do searches like this if they have a specific and very narrow search they want to do.
...or so we thought. Not that I had much doubt about what was really going on...
...and since then we've been told by those who claim that we've elected them to do our bidding that "they have every right to do it, and will continue doing more of the same in the future. ...and btw: na-nana-na-na! Tough!"
> This is just like the "Rasterfahndung" the police tried to do during Germany's "terrorist-fighting days" back in the 70s.
I think it is worse and rather more dangerous (given the capabilities and the kind of data that they can access, sift, and store today. ...and increase surveillance!)
> Why are people not screaming?
> Don't they understand how horrible this is?
> You suddenly have to prove your innocence if they accuse you of being a "terrorist"?
You are not really surprised, I don't think. Right?!?
I mean, not really... right ?!?
If we reflect on (relatively recent) history and the people around us, what do we conclude? People haven't changed much/enough, it's just that not every time a butterfly stirs the air somewhere that the worst kind of storm results. Most of the time nothing much happens...
> This scares me silly.
Scaring silly is for girly men (and girles)! Get pissed instead.
...or declare it "situation normal, as expected" and let it bounce off...
quite frankly, I'm getting to where I catch myself thinking: you're getting too old, why give a shit?!? Do you think that those young chick-a-dees give a hoot about you or that you are worried about THEIR future? For them I'm "part of the problem" (and they probably include me among those they blame for the situation). I've got mostly past and very little future to look forward to, and everything I know about those in power has taught me that
(a) you can't touch them
(b) if you were to have enough of an effect to come to their attention to annoy them, there's little doubt about what would happen... (think of how we do react to mosquitos)...
ah, but it's Easter week, the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming...
...the first bug's been annoying me a couple of minutes ago by trying to mate with my computer screen (or whatever the idea was). I did what one does in that case and "took care of it". I know I'm "just as bad" when it comes to that...
Actually, some of my young chick-a-dees are starting to give a hoot, because their aging teacher has been trying to light a fire underneath their backsides - some are actually getting active!
No, it does not really surprise me. But I'm darned if I'll let them get away without a bit of a fight. "Do not go gentle into that good night, rage, rage at the dying of the light" - Dylan Thomas.
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