Finished! I've just spent the last few days (noticeable by the dearth of blogs/tweets/moves on Scrabble) finishing reading Stieg Larsson's "Men who Hate Women" (Swedish: Man Som Hatar Kvinnor, German: Verblendung, published in English as The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo). It's a 600 page monster, and I read it in Swedish. Had to look up a few words in the dictionary, but otherwise: it was such a good read that I just kept going.
WiseMan had been curious to know if the "computer stuff" was correct. Not only is it correct, now I know what Schäuble (German minister of the interior responsible for pushing "the federal trojan virus" through parliament. Stop laughing. He means it. Really.) was reading, or what his advisors were reading. Yes, it is theoretically possible to do what Lisbeth did. But not in general.
Yesterday evening, WiseMan sat on the lawn in his chair finishing up book 3, I sat on the lawn in my chair finishing up book 1. Now we can go see the film, which just opened in Sweden and has gotten good reviews.
Larsson died rather young in 2004, so there will be no more books like this forthcoming. It is such a shame. On to book 2!
Men who Hate Women
Labels: book report, Sweden
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