
New Google Function?

WiseMan is out of town and didn't go along to "State of Play" last night, so I was telling him how much I enjoyed it. He wanted to know if it was playing in the town he is in right now, so I googled "kino X" - kino is German for cinema and X the city he is in right now, hoping to find a movie theater there.

Amazing - the first link is an exceptionally well formated and simple movie guide for the town. Clicking on it gets a list of theaters with the films nicely formatted and the running times shown, as well as the stars given and reviews that Google finds. At the top I can choose to have the films from tomorrow or the day after, and can sort by distance from a zip code or by film title.

No horrible frame sets, no complicated navigation, no stupid contests, no flying windows with advertising. Just the facts, nicely navigatable, and the infos I want to have nicely aggregated. I even followed some of the links and added my 5 stars to their collection :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice, but I still prefere Movie Map Showtimes, since it shows the cinemas on a map, so you know which ones are easy to get to.